A pallet is a tray or carrier used at one or more stages of the PCB Assembly (PCBA) manufacturing workflow. Macaos supports creating wave solder pallets.

A wave solder pallet is a reliable and inexpensive fixture for soldering through-hole components. The pallet is typically made from a synthetic material, such as Durapol or Durostone®. Macaos supports the design of both full and selective wave solder pallets.
Note: Support for creating other types of pallets is planned for a future release.
When creating a full wave solder pallet, you need only specify dimensions and material, and then place PCB fasteners as necessary. The pallet pockets, openings, chamfers, etc. are automatically calculated.
When creating a selective wave solder pallet, you must draw the solder openings and also specify component pocket depths and locations as necessary. The board pocket, pressure relief areas, solder walls, etc. are automatically calculated.
Once the pallet design is complete, a milling program file (in G-code) may be exported. Alternatively, you can place an order for a finished pallet. If necessary, you can reopen a pallet and make changes as necessary.