The Macaos Enterprise System
Macaos Convergence 3.x
Macaos Convergence 3.0
Build (03-12-2024)
- 0005443: [Other] Support for flex cover layer color
- 0005429: [Other] IPC Class 2+ as default for PCBA
- 0005423: [Other] Support for stencil fiducials on both sides
- 0005295: [Status] Make single EMS service to add tracking number and mark as delivered
- 0005441: [RFQs] Forward quote: PDF does not show correct currency
- 0005431: [RFQs] Forward quote: Zero price if only upper right field is filled
- 0005420: [RFQs] Forward quote: Start costs do not show in quote doc, even when Hide is unchecked
- 0005366: [Status] Can not pack in certain cases
- 0005384: [Work orders] When issuing a WO in MC, the date is default set to 04.01.1900
Build (19-08-2024)
- 0005324: [Incoming Orders] When creating WO from Incoming orders the cost prices are incorrect
- 0005320: [Production data] Fresedim.txt data out of range should not cause error
- 0005322: [RFQs] Forward quote: Quotation document shows price grid incorrectly
- 0005318: [RFQs] Supplier can't delete uploaded quote
Build (15-08-2024)
- 0005294: [Other] Use new PDF viewer module for RFQs, Quotes, and POs
- 0005255: [RFQs] Fwd quote: ASSY quotation - do not preset shipment dates
- 0005271: [Work orders] Additional tariff code presets
- 0005301: [Incoming Orders] Can not create a workorder for order without customer order number
Build (07-06-2024)
- 0005266: [Work orders] Add icons for new suppliers
- 0005265: [Status] Can not sign for QA on connector orders
Build (06-06-2024)
- 0005256: [Production data] Fresedim out of range should not generate error
- 0005228: [Work orders] Toggle invoice ok: Check invoice checked status before asking to toggle several invoices
- 0005227: [Work orders] Toggle invoice ok: Do not refresh the list when invoice is checked
- 0005225: [Work orders] Toggle invoice ok: Add Ctrl+O shortcut to toggle invoice OK
- 0005263: [Work orders] Can not send cancellation mails when deleting work order
Build (06-05-2024)
- 0005253: [Work orders] Change target email address for Norwegian invoices
- 0005245: [Production data] Outline files is output as copper bottom for 0-layer boards
- 0005252: [Work orders] Sending cancellation email - can't edit text
Build (20-03-2024)
- 0005234: [Production data] If PCB for PCBA is in wastebasket, warning message should show PCB product number
- 0005186: [Production data] Change error message when PCBA files do not contain component data
- 0005242: [Work orders] Error "FDMTCompanySearch: Field 'id' not found" when editing WO
- 0005190: [Production data] Layer mixup if there are no copper layers
Build (03-11-2023)
- 0005180: [Production data] If PCBA product has linked panel, allow to download panel data rather than single board data
- 0005079: [Production data] Changes to ASSY file output
- 0005172: [RFQs] On create WO, let user choose between closing all product RFQs or only order RFQs
- 0005166: [RFQs] Forward Quote needs to detect the destination country when selecting a freight price from a price list
- 0005083: [RFQs] Improved Forward quote to customer - price breakdown
- 0005076: [Incoming Orders] Orders in production checkbox is always un-checked on open
- 0005183: [RFQs] Can not close all RFQs in a group
- 0005178: [RFQs] Surface finish not correct in MC for Other surface
- 0005173: [RFQs] Forward quote to customer must pre-select a shipping price list
- 0005184: [Work orders] Sometimes the "linked customer orders" are duplicated
- 0005182: [Work orders] Links do not work properly if multiple tracking numbers
- 0005181: [Work orders] Warning of missing QA docs does not display when uploading invoice
Build (17-10-2023)
- 0005164: [Other] Performance improvements
Build (05-10-2023)
- 0005150: [Other] Custom layers not shown in viewer
- 0005163: [Production data] Copper bottom contains wrong layer data under certain circumstances
- 0005160: [Work orders] Do not allow to mark invoice as OK if no invoice uploaded
Build (06-09-2023)
New features:
- 0005153: [Work orders] Add a hide option "Invoice OK"
- 0005154: [Work orders] Add a Date Range to possibly hide old work orders
- 0005157: [Production data] Can not download production data for RFQ for Assy w/o PCBs
- 0005148: [RFQs] RFQ for PCBA data load the wrong files in some cases
- 0005144: [RFQs] Forward quote: Show the exchange rate of the quote time when showing old quotes
- 0005152: [Work orders] Tree is not refreshed for all items when setting more WO's to invoice OK
- 0005097: [Work orders] Tree columns do not sort properly
Build (06-07-2023)
- 0005132: [Status] Can not download production data for certain products
Build (05-07-2023)
- 0005119: [Work orders] When marking invoice OK, ask if all relevant WOs should also be marked as OK
- 0005131: [RFQs] ME Customer generated RFQs can't be seen in MC
- 0005127: [RFQs] Sometimes RFQ/Quotes are displayed twice
- 0005125: [RFQs] Cannot open OTS products in Quotation viewer
- 0005124: [RFQs] Incorrect footer in RFQ document
- 0005118: [RFQs] Error in OTS RFQs
- 0005117: [RFQs] Forward quote to customer grid gets incorrectly loaded if RFQ has previously been forwarded
- 0005116: [RFQs] Forward quote: PDF file is often empty
- 0005122: [Production data] Backdrilling not handled correctly
- 0005115: [Status] QA milepost gets signed with wrong userid
- 0005120: [Work orders] Hyperlinks not working in WO history for product
Build (23-05-2023)
- 0005106: [Other] Product options for PCBA products do not display correctly
- 0005107: [RFQs] Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (Integer) when creating RFQ
- 0005105: [RFQs] Connectors cannot be opend in Quotation view
- 0005104: [RFQs] Forward quote: Copy of quotation should go to office rather than sender
- 0005100: [Work orders] Sending invoice files to Uni Economy does not always work
Build (10-05-2023)
- 0005098: [RFQs] Cannot close group of RFQs
- 0005099: [Work orders] Uploaded invoice does not have visible filename
Build (08-05-2023)
- 0005095: [Other] Change highlight color in Orders, RFQs and WOs list
- 0005094: [RFQs] Forward quote: Prevent sending mail directly from quote viewer
- 0005093: [RFQs] Forward quote: It should not be absolutely necessary to view quote before Send and Close
- 0005090: [RFQs] Forward quote: Copy of quotation does not get sent to sales office
- 0005086: [Status] Dataset not in edit mode error when marking document OK
- 0005096: [Work orders] Date columns do not sort properly
Build (27-04-2023)
- 0005072: [Work orders] Only ask to close RFQs if necessary
- 0005078: [Work orders] Add more text options
- 0005077: [Work orders] Warn if WO due date is later than Order due date(s)
- 0005076: [Incoming Orders] Orders in production-checkbox is always un-checked on open
- 0005082: [RFQs] Problems with attachments when sending mail
- 0005069: [RFQs] Cannot input macaos id and retrieve customer info
- 0005080: [Status] 3 orders could not pack
Build (20-04-2023)
- 0005045: [Production data] Component price estimator: choose currency prior to fetching parts list
- 0005068: [RFQs] Forward quote: Field replymail not found when sending quote by mail
- 0005067: [RFQs] RFQ document not uploaded when creating RFQ
Build (19-04-2023)
- 0005066: [RFQs] Show comments to viewer (requester or supplier) in main view
- 0005063: [RFQs] When creating WO from RFQ, ask if RFQs should be closed
- 0005061: [Other] Can not download/view certain products
- 0005064: [RFQs] Cannot send forwarded quote as email
- 0005060: [RFQs] Prices with decimals come in as zero when creating WO from RFQ
- 0005065: [Status] Can not sign for mileposts
- 0005062: [Status] Can not QA mechanical product
Build (18-04-2023)
- 0005057: [Other] Extend default timeout
- 0005056: [RFQs] Forward quote: Can not view quotation
Build (17-04-2023)
New features:
- This is a nearly complete rewrite of the application. The look and feel has been changed, and the data access paradigm has been streamlined. See What's new for more info.
- Each of the main views has been given a color, to assist in navigating the system
- Each user should have their own login credentials. This will improve system reliability.
- In most cases, major view data is only updated when clicking on the Refresh button. This will reduce search/filter times, but will increase Refresh time somewhat.
- 0005040: [Other] Finer control of event notification
- 0005012: [Production data] Allow all route sizes in fresedim
- 0004906: [RFQs] Add product stackup and specifications columns to "Prod info"
- 0004961: [Work orders] Should be possible to ship to third party
- 0004918: [Work orders] It should be possible to link a WO to multiple incoming order positions
- Unused functionality has been removed. This includes support for mixing, pricing and agents.
- 0005024: [Production data] laser-cut diameter
- 0004974: [Work orders] Register a WO that is split in sales order, fails to register the qty chosen from MP popup