Macaos Enterprise

Technical Documentation

Technical Documentation

Macaos Enterprise can generate technical drawings in PDF format for your products. Three kinds documents can be generated. All drawings have an ISO standard title block with user-specified content.

Layout documentation set

A layout documentation set is a PDF file with several drawings, one drawing per page. The contents of the set are

Stackup drawing

  • An overview of product properties
  • A layout drawing for each layer in the product
  • A stackup drawing (for PCB products)
  • A drill template drawing for each drill layer in the product

Stackup drawing

A stackup drawing shows the dimensions and materials of the copper and dielectric layers of a PCB product. It also shows the depths of through, blind and buried holes, if any.

Panel drawing

A panel drawing shows the placement of boards and frame objects in a panel.

More info

Macaos Enterprise user guide: Technical documentation