Macaos RapidCam

2 Panelize

2 Panelize

Based on the size of the customer's product and quantity ordered, the Panel Optimizer module helps you to quickly choose the best panel size for the job. Once a size is chosen, the customer's product is automatically stepped up to a production panel with frame.

There are two optimization modes:

Production panels
With the Production panels mode, usage statistics are displayed for each of the available fixed-size production panels. These statistics include the number of panels, number of boards, boards per panel, usage percentage, total panel area, and % overproduction. The "best fit" statistics are highlighted. Selecting a panel size creates the production panel.
Raw material
With the Raw material mode, usage statistics are displayed for each raw material sheet size, based on a variable panel size. Frame parameters, such as board spacing, frame width and number of boards per panel may be specified as desired. Sheet usage statistics include panel size, panels and boards per sheet, total sheets/panels/boards, total area and total scrap area. The "best fit" statistics are highlighted. Selecting a sheet size creates the production panel and displays how the panel fits in the selected sheet.