Macaos Gallery

Solder Paste Stencil

Solder Paste Stencil

The Stencil Product Creator Module allows you to quickly define a solder paste stencil for your PCB.

Stencil Creator

Using the copper layer and paste mask layer data from the PCB, you can do the following:

  • Select a frame from among pre-defined or uploaded frame data
  • Adjust all opening sizes by a percentage of area
  • Adjust the corner rounding of all openings
  • Fine tune individual opening sizes to correct for process issues
  • Mark fiducials for etching (rather than cutting)
  • Add text
  • Place top and bottom openings side by side on the same stencil
  • Split a large opening into an array of smaller openings
  • Define regions of the stencil to be built up or etched down to a different thickness

All opening size adjustments are defined as a percentage of the copper pad area (when copper data is available). The WYSIWYG viewer lets you see how your adjusted openings compare to the copper pads.

A frame manager and editor allows you to upload frames or build new frames based on pre-defined templates. Frames may be defined with variable texts (company name, product number, etc) which automatically get substituted in the Stencil Product Creator.